WoW MageFood addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon MageFood


Game Version: 8.3.0
Total Downloads: 2,366
Updated: Jan 21, 2020
Created: Sep 25, 2016
download MageFoodDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads release 1.77 KB Jan 21, 2020 8.3.0 405 download MageFood releaseDownload
MageFood_1-3-1 release 1.75 KB Nov 2, 2016 7.1.0 1,358 download MageFood MageFood_1-3-1 releaseDownload
MageFood_1-3 release 1.74 KB Sep 27, 2016 7.0.3 337 download MageFood MageFood_1-3 releaseDownload
MageFood_1-2 release 1.48 KB Sep 25, 2016 7.0.3 169 download MageFood MageFood_1-2 releaseDownload
MageFood_1-1 release 1.44 KB Sep 25, 2016 7.0.3 97 download MageFood MageFood_1-1 releaseDownload


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Since the change of the Conjure Refreshment spell, mages can't choose to summon solo or group food at will. This causes a bit of annoyance at putting one food icon on our action bars. MageFood will create a macro in your General Macros tab called MageFoodMac, as long as you have a free slot for one macro, the first time mage food goes into your bags.

Once you get the macro on your action bar, you don't have to mess with it again. Just let that macro stay in your General Macros tab, and it will automatically update itself to the highest level mage food in your inventory if the current one on your bar runs out or is destroyed by you.

This release handles all known levels of food. This also defers in-combat changes until you leave combat.

Please let me know in the comments if this version causes any major performance issues. I hope that it won't, but I do have to keep checking your bags during a lot of events. I may release a "Lite" version that only updates the food when you conjure new food or loot food from the table. This new version may be a little more than necessary.

By request, version 1.3 adds a feature to the macro to make it cast Conjure Refreshment when you right-click it. I specifically call out buttons 1 and 3 to eat the food, but I didn't specify button 4 or 5. If this causes any problems for anyone, please let me know. Using a keybind will always eat the current food. If any of you prefer to eat the food with a right-click, I'll see what I can do to be more flexible.

So far, I've tested the new feature with the default UI and with Dominos action bars.


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