WoW QualityTime addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon QualityTime


Game Version: 8.1.5
Total Downloads: 436
Updated: May 15, 2019
Created: May 5, 2019
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
QualityTime_v1.1 release 414.66 KB May 15, 2019 8.1.5 436 download QualityTime QualityTime_v1.1 releaseDownload



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QualityTime is an addon that keeps track of how you spend your time in the World of Warcraft. There are four different states your character can be in, combat, regenerating, traveling, and idle. Your state changes based on what you're doing at that time. The amount of time you spend in a state is displayed in a movable, lockable frame and can be paused and reset when desired. 

In Action


  1. Download the latest .zip file for your WoW version.
  2. Wait for the zip file to download.
  3. Unzip the QualityTime folder into Interface\Addons.
  4. It should look like Interface\Addons\QualityTime\QualityTime.lua


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