WoW WoWQuote2.2 addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon WoWQuote2.2


Game Version: 8.0.1
Total Downloads: 11,022
Updated: Jul 22, 2018
Created: Aug 30, 2016
download WoWQuote2.2Download Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads release 20.80 KB Jul 22, 2018 8.0.1 3,465 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload release 20.79 KB Apr 2, 2018 7.3.0 1,079 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload release 20.44 KB Feb 25, 2018 7.3.0 699 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload release 22.71 KB Sep 24, 2017 7.3.0 1,442 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload release 21.31 KB Apr 2, 2017 7.2.0 1,663 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload release 21.54 KB Oct 28, 2016 7.1.0 1,552 download WoWQuote2.2 releaseDownload beta 21.46 KB Aug 31, 2016 7.0.3 1,091 download WoWQuote2.2 betaDownload alpha 21.73 KB Aug 30, 2016 7.0.3 31 download WoWQuote2.2 alphaDownload



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It's like a Soundboard!


Recent Changes:

  • Updated for BFA Support.

Upcoming Changes:

  • Nothing special only documentation and cleanup for now
  • If you have any ideas, suggestions, wishes => leave a comment


WoWQuote2 allows you to send Quotes, Sounds, Music to your friends via channels (Party, Guild, Raid). Other players with WoWQuote2 will receive the play request and hear the sound your requested.


WoWQuote2 requires QuoteMedia-Addons in order to play sounds, also old versions need to be updated to match WoWQuote2. This Addon uses the DIALOG CHANNEL so if you don't hear anything check if it is muted or if the volume is to low.



  • Classic Sound Pack


How does it work?

 If you want to send Sounds, you and your friends both will need: 

  • WoWQuote2
  • QuoteMediaAddon containting the mp3 you are trying to send

QuoteMediaAddons can be created automatically, or by hand. Read below how this works.

Older versions of QuoteMediaAddons won't work with this addon see the section below on how to fix them!



  • You can either click on the new obnoxious button in the middle of your screen (Move it via right mouseclick and it stays the) or enter /wq in the chat to open the GUI.
  • If you dislike the button use /wqqb to hide the QuickButton or enable it again.
  • You can also use /wqh to show the help or use only chat commands to send Sounds. SEE: Commandlist below


You can create your own QuoteMedia-Addons with the downloadable QuoteMaker.exe


This minimalistic GUI allows you to automatically convert a folder containing .mp3 files in a new QuoteMedia-Addon.

Just enter a ModuleName like "QuoteMediaMYMODULE" and an id like "mym" (keep this short) and choose the folder containing the files. This QuoteMedia-Addon will support WoWQuote2 and KQuote


QuoteMaker.exe as an exe and jar can be found on Github

QuoteMaker as a Java project can be found on Github

The Guide how to make them yourself can be found on Github


The Gui has been improved a lot, but if you still want to use commands

/wq: Shows the Gui.

/wqs: Stops the current Music file.

/wqqb: Hides the Quickbutton until enabled again.

/wqh : Shows this help text.

/wqb [channel] [on|off]: Shows or configures all channels you are listening to for quotes. 

/wqf <String>: Lists all quotes, that contain the entered string.

/wqa <Name> [Quote-ID]: Defines a user defined name for the entered quote.

/wqp <Quote-ID or Name>: Sends quote to the party channel.

/wqg <Quote-ID or Name>: Sends quote to the guild channel.

/wqr <Quote-ID or Name>: Sends quote to the raid channel.

/wql <Quote-ID or Name>:  Listen to the quote yourself.


WoWQuote2, by Mukura (Der Rat von Dalaran) which was based on WoWQuote by Harag (Die Ewige Wacht) und Lev (Die Ewige Wacht).

The Packetsystem is based on KQuote by Larize (Rexxar).

Thank you guys very much!


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