Earlier Versions
Name | Size | Uploaded | Game Version | Downloads | |
1.07 release | 143.65 KB | Jul 22, 2019 | 8.2.0 | 301 | Download |
1.06 release | 143.11 KB | Jul 4, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 116 | Download |
1.05 release | 142.90 KB | Jun 22, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 118 | Download |
1.04 release | 144.01 KB | May 7, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 154 | Download |
1.03 release | 142.80 KB | May 4, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 86 | Download |
1.02 release | 148.00 KB | May 4, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 53 | Download |
1.01 release | 148.87 KB | May 2, 2019 | 8.1.5 | 30 | Download |
Z-AllTimePlayed is an addon which show you how many time you have played in all of your character.
You can see these data by mouseover on the minimap bouton, or by left click in the minimap button to print in the chat.
The data are updated when :
- You log in.
- You log out.
- You change of zone.
- You mouseover on the minimap button.
- You reload your UI.
- You execute the /played command.
Only the current character is updated, if you want to see all of your character, you should at least log in one time on them to see them in the database.
- Command '/zatp' with two arguments to open option frame and toggle minimap.
- Minimap button which support 'SexyMap' addon.
- Support for Titan Panel and Bazooka.
- Mouseover on minimap button open a frame which show the played time of all character.
- Left click on minimap button print in chat the played time of all character.
- Right click the minimap button open the option frame.
- Option to change the color on the minimap button frame.
- Option to change the color in the chat frame.
- Options to hide the minimape button.
- Options to change format of time displayed.
- A FAQ menu in the option frame.
By default, the color in the minimap button frame are :
- The current character = Yellow (#ffff00)
- The others characters = Grey (#808080)
- The total = Green (#008000)
By default, the color in the chat frame are :
- The current character = Yellow (#ffff00)
- The others characters = Yellow (#ffff00)
- The total = Yellow (#ffff00)
All these color can be changed in the option frame. You need to use a hexadecimal code.
If you enter anything else, an error is showed.
- Feature to print data in the channel chat (General, Guild, Group, etc).
- Choose specific character data to delete.
- Translate on others langages.
Currently supported langage :
- French (Default langage)
- English (arlaios)
If you want to participate in the traduction, look at the 'Localization' tab on wowace.
If you foud a bug, have an issue or a request, you can create a ticket on wowace https://www.wowace.com/projects/z-alltimeplayed/issues or on github https://github.com/lamboley/Z-AllTimePlayed/issues.
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