WoW Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2024
wow addon Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns

Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns

Game Version: 8.1.5
Total Downloads: 52,506
Updated: Mar 31, 2019
Created: Jun 27, 2014
download Derangement\’s Pet Battle CooldownsDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads release 10.27 KB Mar 31, 2019 8.1.5 13,757 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns releaseDownload release 10.27 KB Aug 11, 2018 8.0.1 9,670 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns releaseDownload
DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-3 release 10.39 KB Aug 29, 2016 7.0.3 15,939 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-3 releaseDownload
DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-2 release 10.39 KB Jun 24, 2015 6.2.0 8,157 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-2 releaseDownload
DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-1 release 10.38 KB Oct 15, 2014 6.0.2 4,119 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-1 releaseDownload
DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-0 release 10.39 KB Jul 31, 2014 5.4.8 648 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-1-0 releaseDownload
DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-0-0 release 7.38 KB Jul 14, 2014 5.4.8 216 download Derangement\’s Pet Battle Cooldowns DerangementPetBattleCooldowns-v1-0-0 releaseDownload



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If you like pet battles, but can never remember when your opponent's annoying ability comes out of cooldown so you can react to it on time, this addon is for you!

It expands the default Blizzard Pet Battle interface to show the cooldowns, and buff/debuff durations for all abilities in a pet battle, including your enemy's and even benched pets.

As a bonus, in PVP pet battles, the cooldown tracker shows you which two abilities your enemy's pets might have for each slot.
Once they use a certain ability, the addon remembers it is slotted, and tracks its cooldown normally.

PVP Note:
If both players use the exact same ability in the same round, and both pets have exactly the same speed, power, and current health for the entire round, cooldowns will still be tracked, but the addon won't narrow-down which ability your opponent has in that slot.

This is because addons can't tell from the combat log whether each pet used that ability once, or if your pet used a multi-hit ability and your opponent passed the turn.
Since most abilities deal damage, this should be a rare occurrence, even when there' a mirror-match.


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