WoW DungeonLore addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon DungeonLore


Game Version: 6.0.3
Total Downloads: 1,946
Updated: Feb 21, 2015
Created: Feb 21, 2015
download DungeonLoreDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
DungeonLore-v1.4.2 beta 6.06 KB Feb 21, 2015 6.0.3 1,946 download DungeonLore DungeonLore-v1.4.2 betaDownload


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DungeonLore lets you, at a push of a button, share the lore behind a particular NPC, boss, or prop. It also has the ability to share tactics and strategies for dungeon and raid bosses with your instance and raid members.

It solves the problem of having to quickly type up the strategy for a particular dungeon boss when someone's never done it before.


You'll need a couple macros in order to use this addon: /dungeonlore lore target and /dungeonlore strat target, which says some lore about the target, and spouts off the strategy for the target respectively. There is also /dungeonlore about which tells your party members about the addon you're using. I found it handy since people tend to be really curious about it.

Current support

For the initial release, DungeonLore only supports the bosses in Ragefire Chasm and The Stockades. More will come in time, and lore/strat packs are very easy to make. If you want something specific, let me know or write it yourself and attach it to a ticket.

Extra Addon Packs

See dungeons/stockades.lua for an example of how to make your own strat and/or lore packs.


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