WoW Wherezit addon Dragonflight/Wrath of the Lich King Classic 2025
wow addon Wherezit


Game Version: 5.4.7
Total Downloads: 5,313
Updated: Apr 5, 2014
Created: Apr 3, 2014
download WherezitDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Wherezit release 3.48 KB Apr 5, 2014 5.4.7 5,157 download Wherezit Wherezit releaseDownload
Wherezit release 3.45 KB Apr 3, 2014 5.4.7 156 download Wherezit Wherezit releaseDownload



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I kind of lost motivation during the end of Mists' life cycle, and then again during the Draenor conflict. Fortunately we're back in force for our adventures on the Broken Isles. Currently just working on seeing if I can clean-up the code, and adding the things that were missing.

The addon adds text to the tooltips of herbs in the game, which lists what zones the herbs are located in. For example: Fool's Cap would have the text "Gathered in: Dread Wastes, Townlong Steppes, The Jade Forest, Timeless Isle."

There are no commands for the addon at the moment, because it is just a very small, very low memory addon.

Future Releases to include:
*Up-to-date Herbs

Thanks to [[|NrageGaming]] for the new name idea.


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